Guest Blog: The Human - Animal Connection: A Unique Twist on the Average Party
So you want to plan a party!
You have the usual checklist: food, drinks, decorations, guest list, entertainment…but what will make your event something that your guests will rave about and remember for years to come?
Well, animals. Cute, adorable animals.
Party animals (and not just the overly excited human guests!) are becoming a popular new addition to weddings, parties, corporate events, or any gathering you could imagine. From beer burros to llamas in tuxedos, there are endless possibilities to include an animal-themed vendor, custom-tailored to your event.
Why are parties that much better with animals?
Whether you need research to tell you or not, it’s pretty commonly known that animals make our lives better for SO many reasons. Pets in general are a perfect example of just how much animals mean to us. Simply having them in your life and coming home to see them just lights up the world! What could be better than including them to light up your event as well?
Create Instant Connections
There are many types of people in the world, and chances are that some of your guests and attendees may be the shy, quiet person of the group. Having an animal at the party is a great icebreaker and talking point to help guests relax and mingle! Being one of these people myself, I can attest to this. When you get a bunch of people talking about their own pets, the conversation just starts flowing from there. It helps loosen up the group and get your guests relaxed so they can enjoy themselves!
Educational Experiences
There’s also the educational factor. Many people might not actually have many first-person experiences with animals, and having one (or more) at your event could give them the opportunity to meet one for the first time. The handlers of the animals you bring in are usually happy to share stories and educate others on their type, species, or breed of critter. One of the reasons animal handlers get into careers like these is because we love to share our animals with others. Your guests will get a chance to hang out with the animals, ask questions, and learn all they could wish for. So, ask away!
Photo Opportunities
And of course, where in the world are you going to get better pictures than with animals? Everyone has been to at least one work meeting, birthday party, or wedding, but have they been to an event with beer burros or unicorn ponies? Likely not. There are guaranteed to be some truly unique photos of your guests alongside the animals that will make your event one-of-a-kind.
Where to start
There are some questions to ask yourself when deciding what would be a good fit for your event:
What kind of animals are you seeking?
What theme/activity are you hoping to have filled?
Could this be educational or entertainment?
What is the age/interest of your guest group?
The age group of your guests is a determining factor as to what you could logistically have at your event. Obviously, pony rides are not a good idea for a bunch of adults.
Can your venue safely host a large animal or specialty animals?
Does the animal vendor you are seeking have proper insurance?
These basic questions can help you narrow down exactly what kind of party animal to look for. It can be very easy to get ahead of yourself when planning an event because there are just so many paths you could take, but here’s a short list of examples to spark your creativity!
Creative Ways to Include Animals at your Event
Here’s some suggestions of four-legged friends that could be your next favorite guests:
Beer Burros- What in the world is a beer burro? Imagine the cutest bartender you have ever seen, but now that bartender is a miniature donkey carrying coolers full of beer to thirsty guests! Not serving beer at your event? Beer burro packs can be filled with anything from snacks to promotional materials- use your imagination!
Petting zoos- Pretty self explanatory. While this would usually be geared towards kids, this could be tailored for adults too—especially if you involve the local zoo!
Holiday themed events- Corporate holiday gatherings are fun, but finding an animal to fit the theme of the event could add just the festive touch you need. The Christmas party just got a whole lot more exciting now that one of Santa’s reindeer is attending!
Photo booths- Photo booths have become a popular trend where a vendor will bring props to inspire your guests to take goofy pictures and have a keepsake from the party. Having a vendor bring in animals for guests to pose with just escalates the fun even more!
Animals needing adoption- Many wedding parties have been seen holding puppies or kittens from local animal rescues that are in need of homes. Not only do you get the opportunity to snuggle up to these little furballs, but they get a higher chance of adoption if they are seen by a large group of people. This could even be incorporated into a fundraiser or sponsorship event.
Personal pets- Several companies out there offer pet management services for your personal animal at weddings or special events. This allows you to have your own pup at your big day without having to stress over their care.
Mascots- Many colleges and universities have live animal mascots that are chosen to represent their schools and build team spirit. Some companies even have their own character or brand mascot of their own. Finding a way to bring that mascot to your event is a really unique way to bring your team of people together!
Zoo education- Many zoos have a traveling educational team that will bring out several smaller exotic animals for education and awareness. Your event could be WILD depending on your vision and their availability.
What are some of your favorite ways to incorporate animals into your event? Tell us in the comments!
Photos by Connie Tseng Photography
Little Ass Productions, LLC is owned and operated by Jillian Federoff and Katie Williams. Their company got its start when recently engaged co-owner, Jillian, began planning her wedding. Upon discovering that no beer burro services were available on the east coast she enlisted her friend and now business partner, Katie, to start up their own company. Both Katie and Jillian come from agricultural livestock backgrounds and have grown up working with animals their whole lives. They are thrilled to be sharing their burros, Ranger & Tonto, with the local community and showing others just how much fun working with donkeys can be. Little Ass Productions LLC is a young, women-owned company with hopes to expand its herd of donkeys as they go!