The Importance of Community

If you’ve been following my journey, you know the importance of community in building the person and businesswoman I am. From my tenure with Professional Women’s Roundtable; to Party Partners of Philadelphia (now The Industry Formula); to entrepreneur networking groups like Wellstruck Lady Boss, finding or cultivating a community of people who support one another has been instrumental in my success.

From the earliest days of my career, the importance of networking was clear. I would work my 9-to-5 and then head into the city to various events with different organizations, searching for ‘my people.’ It wasn’t until I started actively seeking new and different groups to be involved with that I truly found my squad. From the first PWR event, I knew that these women would impact my life in ways that hadn’t yet come into focus. I joined the group in 2015, attending an early-morning panel discussion in the dead of summer. By December of that year, I had joined the group as Events Chair. At that very same time, I had also made a huge career pivot, from the hospitality world into the world of fast-casual/retail. I managed to balance both responsibilities, planning a successful year of signature events for PWR.

When it was time for then-President Christine Soares to step down, I was approached to be her successor. I quickly suggested a few people that I thought would be better at it than me—and she said they had all suggested me, as well. If it was not for these women elevating me, I never in a million years would have decided to be the leader of the organization.

Two years later, the Board and organization looks and feels completely different. The goals and objectives set forth by Christine and her VP, Doreen Mosher, were fully realized with this new, energetic, diverse board, and some of the signature events that begun during my years as Events Chair are still part of our programming. We highlight incredible women in our community who lift one another up, just as my fellow Executive Board members lifted me up.

My successor for President and the new VP are the perfect women for the roles. The new board members we have welcomed are energetic, passionate, and will lead this organization into the future. So, PWR members: You’re in great hands!

Above all, I am different than when I started with PWR. I am now an entrepreneur, homeowner, and a woman who is confident in herself and her abilities. That’s the power of a community who understands where you’ve come from, and helps you to get where you’re going.

What’s next for me? I will still be cultivating community and creating connections wherever I can. Just yesterday, I co-hosted the monthly Wellstruck Lady Boss event, curated by Sarah Zero of Wellstruck. I will continue to believe in the power of connections, and though I have said I’ll be taking a break from volunteer/board roles, who knows? My next ‘squad’ could be right around the corner.

As far as PWR is concerned, you’ll definitely see me at upcoming events and lending an ear to the new Board if they need it. The organization means so much to me, and always will. In fact, I’ll see you at the Vision Board workshop on June 3rd!

Thank you to everyone who has ever welcomed me into your communities, your friendship circles, and your networking groups. It’s because of you that I have had the confidence to pursue each new endeavor that comes my way.


New Client: HerHeadquarters


Interview with Eric Michael: Creative Director, Tastemaker, and Accidental "Cannapreneur"