My 5 Desk Essentials

I’m lucky enough to have a desk and workspace at home that was created by myself and my husband, and highlights things that are important for organization and inspiration. After all, an event planner who isn’t organized is not someone you want in your corner—or on your payroll. Besides a beautiful desk, below are my desk essentials:

So Many Notebooks: Man, back-to-school time was always the most fun for me. Unsurprisingly, I was the kid who could not wait to get her folders, notebooks, different colored pens and accessories and plan out my semester. Currently in front of me, I have my custom-branded Moleskin notebook, a “notes” pad, and a “Today I Slay” to-do list. Each has a different purpose, all have the same color ink (black ink for me, please). Just for good measure, I also use Asana for a digital list. Now do you see what I mean about event planners being organized?

Inspiration: I’ve always loved affirmations and motivational quotes. Most of the framed artwork and desk accessories that I have were given to me by my closest friends and family, so that’s a nice reminder of the ‘squad’ I have behind me. Lauren Conrad was famously asked in an interview what her favorite position was, and her answer was “My favorite position is CEO.” I have that, along with a framed “Like A Boss” print and a “Girl Boss” nameplate given to me by various friends of mine.  A pen, adorned with the word “hustle,” sits on top of my small bookshelf. Of course, I have the famous Philly “LOVE” sign—an ornament given to me by a Party Partners co-founder—to remind me of where we came from.

Scheduling tools: My Passion Planner, a gift from my sister for Christmas, is my favorite tool right now to keep me scheduled and focused on my goals. If you don’t have one, get one—it not only helps me stay organized, but on track long-term, and who doesn’t love a “Space of Infinite Possibility”? Every weekend, I spend some time looking at the week ahead and scheduling in appointments, cross-referencing with my Google Calendar and, of course, my visual “Plans for the Week” Whiteboard hanging next to my desk. My brain already has too many tabs open; it helps to write things down.

Aromatherapy Diffuser: Let’s face it - even working from home, days are unpredictable. Sometimes I find myself completely wired (hello, endless supply of coffee), or in need of a pick-me-up. My small aromatherapy diffuser/humidifier changes colors in a dreamy, hypnotizing way, while the essential oil slowly fills the room. Lavender makes me feel calm, while a peppermint, eucalyptus or bergamot oil gives me just the right amount of energy.

Light-Filtering Glasses: A friend of mine recommended these blue light filtering glasses on her Instagram story, so I swiped up, purchased them, and have been hooked ever since. They make a huge difference on days that I’m looking at spreadsheets, creating floor plans, or updating event apps. When I’m event planning in Philadelphia, but communicating with people all over the world, it’s great to know that I’m preventing my eyes from damage on the endless video calls and screen-shares.

What are YOUR desk essentials? Comment below!


Here are the links for where to buy/use!
Passion Planner
Aromatherapy Diffuser
Light Filtering Glasses



Carina Glover, Founder & CEO, HerHeadquarters


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