Posts tagged Event Planning
Event Planning with Cannabis and Hemp | Legal Event Planning Considerations and Guidelines

As a seasoned event planner renowned for exceptional skill in curating unforgettable experiences, Beth Lawrence has been at the forefront of the industry's latest trends. From orchestrating multi-day conventions and innovation festivals to organizing fundraisers, incubator programs, and statewide historic site tours – in-person and virtual – her expertise spans various event types.

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10 Essential Event Planning Tips Every Event Professional Should Follow

Planning and executing a successful event is a challenging feat. It requires meticulous attention to detail, careful organization, and a deep understanding of the target audience. Whether you are a seasoned event professional or looking for professional event planning assistance, having the right strategies and techniques in place can make all the difference.

This article lists ten essential event planning tips every event professional should follow. From choosing the perfect venue to creating memorable experiences, these tips will help take events to the next level. Keep on reading to discover our secrets to successful event planning.

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New Client: HerHeadquarters

Anyone who knows me, knows how much I value a collaborative business approach, as well as  an abundance mindset that leaves room for multi-dimensional and mutually-beneficial partnerships. 

When Carina Glover, founder & CEO of HerHeadquarters, reached out to me following a recommendation by Eric Michael, it was as if a dream project had fallen into my lap. HerHeadquarters is an app which encourages women business owners in (5) industries to connect, collaborate and find their ally.

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Pick My Brain

You can tell busy season is here when I don’t have time to blog (note to self: pencil in time to blog).

Throughout the year, I receive dozens (sometimes over 100) emails or messages asking to “pick my brain.” Furthermore, judging by my conversations with other entrepreneurs and seasoned professionals, I’m not alone. messages flood email and social media inboxes, and introductions seem to fly at you and before you know what happened, you’re scheduling a meeting.

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Why CPG & Retail Brands Should Embrace Events

If you’re anything like me, your Facebook notifications are full of events you can attend throughout the week. From Painting with a Twist parties, to themed nights at local clubs, to special chef’s events at restaurants. A quick look at your inbox, I bet, would reveal the same thing: invitations for things to do with friends, family and brands. It seems like there’s always “Something to do.”

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How to Select Your Venue

Site selection is a pivotal moment in the development of an event. After all, the difference between a hotel ballroom and a tented outdoor celebration will affect everything from your event budget, to signage, to audio visual and the number of attendees you are permitted to have at that event. All of these factors, then, must be considered when making this important decision. Below are 5 considerations when selecting your venue.

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