New Certification: Event Psychology Strategist!

If you have been able to see any of my interactions on LinkedIn over the years, you know that I am a huge fan of Victoria Matey. As an Event Psychology Strategist, she has always shared tips on how to, quite simply, build better events. From programmatic changes to an increase in the amount of down time, her tips have always made me think more strategically about my approach to program design and the logistics that make it happen.

On August 27th, I was honored to be among the class of Event Professionals who became certified in Event Psychology! I learned so many invaluable lessons during the virtual seminar (and had a lot of fun, as well!)

What’s even better was being able to connect with folks that I know through LinkedIn, but on a more personal basis in a collaborative learning environment.

Here are just 3 of the hundreds of things I learned in the four-hour course:

  • My 5 Senses Of Your Brand activity has psychological evidence to back it up! One of the scientifically-proven factors for better learning is engaging all of our senses*. My assertion that the more senses engaged, the more memorable the event is also proven.

    • *Bonus lesson: Did you know we have between 22-33 senses total? Not just the ‘big 5!’

  • When smelling the scent of Tea Tree Oil, participants showed an 89% increase in memory levels when learning!

  • Stories activate 7+ sides of your brain, while numbers (like statistics) activate 2 areas of the brain. If you want a more engaged audience, encourage your speakers to tell stories.

I’m elated to begin implementing these lessons with clients, and designing more human-centric, memorable, and enjoyable meetings, events and programs!

Want to craft a thoughtful event strategy, backed by scientific data? Book a one-hour Catalyst Call at the link below!


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