Key Takeaways from BizBash NYC 2019

BizBash NYC is something I look forward to every year. In case I haven’t told you this story in person, or you haven’t seen it on my channels, I manifested my business (accidentally) at this event two years ago, almost to the day.

While watching two executives from Refinery 29’s Experiential Marketing team speak, I wrote in a small pocket calendar “My name is Beth Lawrence and I own my own event planning & experiential marketing agency.” I then put a circle around it (For the full story, head to my episode of the Food Magic Podcast).

Yesterday, I had the pleasure of attending with one of my clients, a local event tech startup (more on that soon), and was able to see the event from a whole new perspective. Although some of the speakers overlapped, here are my key takeaways from the event:

Event Technology is Continuing to Evolve

It’s no secret that technology has changed every aspect of our lives, and that we are competing for our attendees’ attention at every turn. Brett Heiman of AEG Presents spoke about Leveraging Technology to Drive Event Innovation, and showcased some of the case studies that he and his team have been working on throughout the past year. From a microcosm of the On-Demand economy to the ability to leverage consumer data to customize the experience, technology should be on the forefront of our minds when we start discussions with partners. My favorite example? Attendees being able to order food on-demand through Postmates and have it ready at the concession stand when they get there. No more waiting in a long line during your favorite songs at a concert!

Stories Matter, Now More Than Ever

My favorite of the first Innovation Forums was a talk by Andrew Lacanienta of Calypoly State University. He used The Heroes’ Journey to spotlight experience design, in a talk entitled From a Passive Audience to Courageous Heroes and Heroines. As a former English major, this was beyond brilliant. Creating an ‘adventure,’ rather than an event, creates the framework for some truly memorable experiences that will bond your guests far beyond the confines of a conference, meeting or one-day experience.

He used the College of Extraordinary Experiences as a backdrop for this talk—and I could not stop taking notes the entire time. I absolutely love looking at your attendees’ experience through this lens and pushing your creativity to the limits.

Bring Your Authentic Self to Everything You Do.

Obama White House Social Secretary Deesha Dyer was interviewed by BizBash’s Editor, Beth Kormanik, to a packed audience. As expected, every drop of knowledge she imparted on us was notable; however, my favorite takeaway was a very simple sentence: “Bringing your authentic self to an event was the best lesson I learned.”

Of course, Dyer also discussed the brightest moments, biggest challenges, and what came after the Opportunity of a Lifetime. Ultimately, having two bosses who put their trust fully in her allowed her to bring a creative, unique approach to events large, small, happy, and somber. I am extremely glad I was able to stay for this interview!

Did you attend BizBash NYC this year? What was your favorite takeaway?


New Client: HopSkip


Guest Blog: How to Use Experiential Marketing to Create Consumer Loyalty by Rachel Vandernick