Building the Next Generation of Startup Founders: Philly Startup Leaders' Founded in Philly Accelerator

About the Client:

Philly Startup Leaders is a 501(c)3 Nonprofit that’s dedicated to helping current and future founders find success in Philadelphia and beyond. Since its inception in 2007, the organization has been providing resources, education, events and opportunities for growth for startup founders in the region.

About the Project:

The Founded in Philly Accelerator Program is a 12-week program which equips early-stage founders with the knowledge, resources and connections needed to move their business forward.

Primary: Program Management

Secondary: Program Design, Program Marketing, Curriculum Development, Speaker & Mentor Matching


After supporting the Series II 2020 Accelerator Program under the PSL Executive Team, the organization underwent a leadership change. During that time, our firm was asked to manage the Spring 2021 Accelerator Program in its entirety.

We began in January 2021 by marketing the launch of the accelerator applications to the community of startup founders; a combination of social media, individual outreach, blog posts and newsletters was deployed. As applications started rolling in, Beth worked collaboratively with the PSL Board to develop the program guide and Spring 2021 curriculum, while building out the roster of speakers, mentors and investors who would support the program.

As applications closed and the committee confirmed the applicants that would make it forward to the interview round, Beth worked on cohort communications and curriculum planning, setting up the entirely-virtual program on Zoom. Next, Beth assisted the Committee as they made decisions on the final cohort, and announced the final founders on PSL’s marketing and social media channels.

For the duration of the 12-week program, Beth Lawrence & Co served as primary contact for all founders, speakers, mentors and investors involved in the program, as well as the sponsors and partners who assist in developing and rounding out the accelerator programming. The team created and executed the data collection strategy, including developing weekly surveys and analyzing results in real time to iterate the program and provide the most rewarding experience for founders.

The Beth Lawrence & Co team organized the Lightning Pitch Night and (3) Extracurricular Activities during the program, and provided post-program data to the leadership team and review committee, and worked with PSL’s leadership team to discuss what worked, what didn’t and how to make improvements to the program moving forward.


  • Results of this program can be found here.


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