Client Update: New Jersey Women Vote: The Nineteenth Amendment at 100

When I originally contracted with New Jersey Women Vote, the project scope included the Suffrage Slow Roll, a one-day bicycling event that encouraged individuals and families to explore Historic Smithville Park, part of the New Jersey Women’s Heritage Trail, on Saturday, May 16 2020. In light of COVID-19, it was decided to pivot the event to a virtual experience.

In conjunction with the subcommittee, the project team decided to design a virtual experience, the Suffrage Solo Slow Roll, which will kick off on August 1st and invites New Jerseyans to visit sites along the trail—socially distanced, or virtually—and compete for prizes along the way. The second component of this virtual experience is utilizing some of the funds allocated to the original event to produce virtual tours for selected Historic sites along the trail. Working with ever-agile partner Beau Monde Originals, we’re thrilled to be able to bring the original goals and objectives of the Suffrage Slow Roll into the virtual world.


New Client: B.PHL Innovation Festival


My Appearance on The WriteTrack Podcast