Events of the Future, Episode 2: Sporting Events

In honor of the Super Bowl, Beth and Dan discussed the future of sporting events—from the near future to the currently implausible. Though admittedly, football isn’t Beth’s favorite sport, it still inspired some pretty amazing ideas! Click below to watch the full video, or read on to see what their perspectives were!

Dan’s first idea is (surprisingly!) not a tech-forward answer:

Trying to keep people at the stadium, as a venue/experience, will be more important as time goes on, especially post-pandemic. I think it will be more “festival-like” as time goes on…there will be more ways that your attendees can spend money. ‘We want you to come early and stay after’ mentality.

Beth’s is (unsurprisingly) silly and reality-TV related:

If you’ve been watching Jersey Shore, they are quarantining together in a huge hotel, and any servers or people who come into contact with them are wearing inflatable suits. What if we turned that to a sports angle and brand that ‘fashion’ the way we adapted to brand masks?

Dan’s second idea involves VR and its increasing role in events.

I think that, in the future, we’ll have to think about not only the in-person experiences happening at the in-person event, but also think about the virtual experience for the virtual attendees. What if the virtual reality experience of you at home, is the same thing? You can walk around the stadium, see vendors, etc…

Two times in a row, Beth and Dan had the same idea. Beth’s was:

What if you can purchase a ticket with a virtual vantage point? Or have a virtual ‘pod’ in the stadiums and have companies be able to purchase that for their employees, like a virtual club-box?

Imagine the world of Fantasy Football!

For the last one, we went very far into the future (once again!)

Dan says:

Instead of watching the game on the TV, you’d be able to sit in your backyard or the street, and you can project that scene. You’re seeing it played out right there.

Watch the video to see the full discussion!


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