Little Things That Save My Life as an Entrepreneur

Has anyone else felt like this week was longer than the entire three weeks of November before it?

Busy season is here again, and my calendar is packed. I’m attending networking events all over the city, updating 5 social media accounts and checking 5 email accounts, and yes—I’m exhausted. There are, however, not-so-little things that are saving my life this week. In no particular order:

Passion Planner:

This was an amazing gift from my sister for Christmas last year, and I love it. Every weekend, I write down all of my personal and professional goals for the week and fill in my schedule. It helps to frame the week and see what’s ahead. I also schedule myself some “me time,” and exercise, so that I can keep focused and, well, sane.


My favorite project management tool. I have all of my clients and projects in one place, and can view my ‘to-do’s’ as a list, a calendar, or in visual format. When I use it with teams, I can assign items and due dates, attach documents and even comment on each project. And, of course, it’s color-coded.


Man, to everyone who told me about this amazing tool: thank you! I run 5 Instagram accounts (yes, 5), and this tool is saving me. I pre-scheduled all of one of the accounts for the next week, and am getting to work on my business account now. They have paid and free plans, and you can auto-post as long as it’s connected to a business Instagram/Facebook account. Do yourself a favor and make this investment!

Digital Calendar:

My business partner for The Industry Formula and I always joke that we ‘live and die’ by our calendars, and nothing could be more true. I color-code mine and connect my client’s calendars so I can make sure I know when they are free for calls and meetings. Yes, even ‘me time’ is scheduled. After all, you can’t fill from an empty cup.


I’ve recently become obsessed with the Meditation Minis podcast on Apple Podcasts. It’s a 10 minute guided meditation that I try to do every single morning. Each has a different topic, and there are hundreds of episodes to choose from. The host’s voice is so soothing, it’s a great way to start the day and to unwind.

What’s saving your life this week? Tell me in the comments!


Passion Planner, Asana, Planoly, Meditation Minis


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