New Client: National Bar League

Evan Harden, founder of National Bar League, approached me to plan National Bar League’s involvement in the 2018 Smith Playground Grand Re-Opening. I met Evan through my days at Snap Kitchen, and we have kept in touch due to a mutual love of all things health, wellness, and Philadelphia.

I’ll be working with Evan and several partners, including Connor Barwin’s Make the World Better Foundation, State Representative Jordan Harris, City of Philadelphia Parks and Recreation Department, Smith Playground staff, and more. Evan, along with Philadelphia powerhouse City Fitness, designed the park’s brand new fitness pod, which is open and accessible to the overall community.

Taking place on Saturday, April 22, the day’s festivities will feature a ribbon cutting, youth football game, face painting, live music, a pop-up workout, and the first-ever outdoor National Bar League Bar Battle.

The goal is to produce the first of many freestyle calisthenics competitions in the park in Philadelphia, and position National Bar League as a new competitive sport in Philadelphia and beyond. Using Evan’s story as a backdrop, we’ll encourage Philadelphia communities to lean on health and wellness as an outlet for children and teens.

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New Client: Chopper's Hatchet House


New Client: James Restaurant