Posts in Creating Community
Building Stronger Communities: The Power of Nonprofit Programming

As a seasoned event planner renowned for exceptional skill in curating unforgettable experiences, Beth Lawrence has been at the forefront of the industry's latest trends. From orchestrating multi-day conventions and innovation festivals to organizing fundraisers, incubator programs, and statewide historic site tours – in-person and virtual – her expertise spans various event types.

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Exploring the Benefits and Challenges of Public and Nonprofit Event Management | Why is Event Management Needed?

As a seasoned event planner renowned for exceptional skill in curating unforgettable experiences, Beth Lawrence has been at the forefront of the industry's latest trends. From orchestrating multi-day conventions and innovation festivals to organizing fundraisers, incubator programs, and statewide historic site tours – in-person and virtual – her expertise spans various event types.

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7 Key Strategies for Successful Public and Nonprofit Event Planning | Planning the Perfect Nonprofit Event

As a seasoned event planner renowned for exceptional skill in curating unforgettable experiences, Beth Lawrence has been at the forefront of the industry's latest trends. From orchestrating multi-day conventions and innovation festivals to organizing fundraisers, incubator programs, and statewide historic site tours – in-person and virtual – her expertise spans various event types.

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Event Planning with Cannabis and Hemp | Legal Event Planning Considerations and Guidelines

As a seasoned event planner renowned for exceptional skill in curating unforgettable experiences, Beth Lawrence has been at the forefront of the industry's latest trends. From orchestrating multi-day conventions and innovation festivals to organizing fundraisers, incubator programs, and statewide historic site tours – in-person and virtual – her expertise spans various event types.

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5 Ways to Optimize Virtual Networking with Zoom Breakout Rooms

While virtual meetups cannot offer everything at in-person networking events can, Zoom breakout rooms can help them get pretty close. Since the onset of the pandemic, we at BLME have relied on the platform’s breakout room feature more times than we can count. Here, we are breaking down our 5 favorite ways to optimize virtual networking using Zoom breakout rooms.

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Covid-Friendly Valentine’s Day Ideas 

Given the unprecedented circumstances of the world brought on by the Covid-19 pandemic, the majority of traditional Valentine’s Day activities are not currently safe to do. While we feel like we are on the brink of returning to some semblance of normalcy, this year’s day of love will have to look different. Want to make the day special but aren’t sure how with all of the current restrictions? Check out BLME’s Covid-friendly Valentine’s Day ideas below!

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Real Event: Having Lunch “Together” in the COVID Era

While event industry professionals have gone to unprecedented lengths to adjust their practices during the current global pandemic, there are just some aspects of events that seem impossible to achieve virtually. Most of these aspects involve human connection and togetherness, such as toasting the commencement of an event, small talk during a cocktail hour, and sitting together for a meal. However, through innovation and a collaboration with Dineable, PWR Philly found a way to make the last option happen virtually. As a member of PWR Philly,, BLME was honored to be able to attend the cutting-edge event.

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