Planning Your 2022 Event Strategy

2021 is almost over, can you believe it? As you start wrapping up your events for this year, the vicious (ahem, I mean, creative) cycle is almost ready to start all over again. It is time to wipe those slates clean and start planning for your 2022 events and experiences.

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Beth LawrenceComment
Small Business Saturday Deals

Small Business Saturday is all about supporting businesses and giving back to your community, and we are never one to miss out on supporting our fellow small business owners. So, for a limited time only, BLME is offering exclusive discounts for startups and small businesses!

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Beth LawrenceComment
BLME’s Ideal Event Planning Timeline

Planning an event is an enormous task to take on. There are countless elements that need to be addressed before an event can occur, including: catering, registration, speakers, sponsors, itinerary, virtual platform, bar, AV...and the list goes on and on. With so many different aspects to plan, creating an event from start to finish can be daunting. If you find yourself overwhelmed and unsure where to start or do next in your event planning process, check out BLME’s ideal event planning timeline here.

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What Do New COVID Restrictions Mean for Events?

If you’re like us, right now feels a bit like Deja Vu (and, to be honest, like a bad group project where some people do the work for the entirety of the group). In the Spring, we saw vaccinations as a ticket to ‘normalcy,’ or as close to it as possible.

Although much of the nation is vaccinated, new variants and ever-changing mask mandates have event planner’s heads spinning, and clients thinking twice about large, in-person gatherings in Delta variant hotspots.

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Why I No Longer Subscribe to "Hustle Culture"

A story like mine is not unique, and not new. Hospitality industry veterans are no stranger to the hustle, and its effect on one’s personal life and mental and physical health. Workers who stay later, come earlier, and run themselves into the ground in service of the company they work for are praised, while those looking to achieve work-life balance are mocked.

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Beth LawrenceComment