Noa Kahner, CEO, Kahner Global

I hired Beth at a very crucial time for my company with hopes that she would make sure nothing goes wrong during my maternity leave. Beth went above and beyond my hopes and expectations to make all of our events run smoothly and well organized. Beth worked tirelessly to get everything done on schedule before and after each event. Our clients were so pleased to have such a pleasant and caring contact at the company.

It's hard to put in words the amount of appreciation I have for Beth and for everything she has helped me do for the last eight months. She puts a lot of heart into everything she does and any organization would be lucky to have her.

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Create. Invite. Share. Boost.

On a normal day in 2019, I’ll receive anywhere from 10-15 “Event” invitations. From Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Meetup and networking groups I belong to, I could literally fill my entire month’s calendar in the span of a week. Less, if I took into consideration all of the articles I read concerning local events and happenings, and personal invitations. There is, quite literally, not enough hours in the day. There is, though, enough so-called “events in the day.

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Guest Blog: Five website mistakes that are keeping you from closing (and how to fix them)

If your website is done well, it should make you feel like you have a salesperson on your team, working her tail off as your own personal hype woman. You don’t even have to have a super fancy, custom-built website to make this happen. In fact, I’m a huge fan of Squarespace and all of its built-in features. But you do have to have well planned content that guides your potential customers through your site and encourages them to take action before they click away.

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New Client: HerHeadquarters

Anyone who knows me, knows how much I value a collaborative business approach, as well as  an abundance mindset that leaves room for multi-dimensional and mutually-beneficial partnerships. 

When Carina Glover, founder & CEO of HerHeadquarters, reached out to me following a recommendation by Eric Michael, it was as if a dream project had fallen into my lap. HerHeadquarters is an app which encourages women business owners in (5) industries to connect, collaborate and find their ally.

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The Importance of Community

If you’ve been following my journey, you know the importance of community in building the person and businesswoman I am. From my tenure with Professional Women’s Roundtable; to Party Partners of Philadelphia (now The Industry Formula); to entrepreneur networking groups like Wellstruck Lady Boss, finding or cultivating a community of people who support one another has been instrumental in my success.

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