Steps for Rescheduling an Event 

Prior to the pandemic, the thought of having to reschedule an event seemed like an issue we would never have to face. However, we have now moved more events than we could have ever imagined. Moving an event comes with many logistics and details that need to be ironed out. While it is not a quick or easy process, it is definitely possible when done correctly. Here, BLME lines up our steps for rescheduling an event, in hopes that we can help others faced with this formidable task.

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Covid-Friendly Valentine’s Day Ideas 

Given the unprecedented circumstances of the world brought on by the Covid-19 pandemic, the majority of traditional Valentine’s Day activities are not currently safe to do. While we feel like we are on the brink of returning to some semblance of normalcy, this year’s day of love will have to look different. Want to make the day special but aren’t sure how with all of the current restrictions? Check out BLME’s Covid-friendly Valentine’s Day ideas below!

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Tech Platform Review Series: Virbela

In today’s environment of Covid-19, many aspects of life have moved to a virtual format. However through innovative platforms, “virtual” doesn’t have to mean “disconnected.” In fact, our selected tech platform this week prides itself on creating remote work and experiences as “liberating, not exhausting.” For this installment of the series, we are diving into the remote collaboration platform, Virbela.

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Safely Returning to Live Events

We know the transition back to in-person events won’t happen at the snap of a finger, magically turning everything back to the way it was pre-pandemic. Instead, we anticipate a slower transition back to in-person formats, with events having to implement various health precautions. What exactly will that look like? Of course we cannot predict the future, but BLME has some suggestions for safely returning to live events.

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