Posts in Event Planning
Safely Returning to Live Events

We know the transition back to in-person events won’t happen at the snap of a finger, magically turning everything back to the way it was pre-pandemic. Instead, we anticipate a slower transition back to in-person formats, with events having to implement various health precautions. What exactly will that look like? Of course we cannot predict the future, but BLME has some suggestions for safely returning to live events.

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How to Pick a Platform for Your Virtual Event

The Covid-19 pandemic, mixed with the digital age, has caused a plethora of virtual event hosting platforms to emerge. With all of the choices each having different offerings and features, how are you to choose a platform that best suits your event needs? To make these decisions, we ask ourselves and our clients a list of specific questions. If you are struggling with how to pick a platform for your virtual event, use our questions listed here as a guide.

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Real Event: Having Lunch “Together” in the COVID Era

While event industry professionals have gone to unprecedented lengths to adjust their practices during the current global pandemic, there are just some aspects of events that seem impossible to achieve virtually. Most of these aspects involve human connection and togetherness, such as toasting the commencement of an event, small talk during a cocktail hour, and sitting together for a meal. However, through innovation and a collaboration with Dineable, PWR Philly found a way to make the last option happen virtually. As a member of PWR Philly,, BLME was honored to be able to attend the cutting-edge event.

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